Fall 2013 Contents

Limited copies of this issue are available to order online, or for purchase at Michigan News Agency.


Elizabeth Ames 


 Adam Peterson

 The Affair Ends Badly

 An Emissary Visits the King

 Robin Romm

 Toxic Assets

 Victor Schultz

Legend to a Planimetric Map of Haddonfield, 

Illinois, October 1998 

 Daniel O'Malley

 Keeping House


 Virginia Konchan


 Rachel Rinehart

 After the Weatherman Tells Us to Evacuate,
We Light Hurricane Lamps and Get into the Bath

 Martin Rock


 Love Poem for a Pack of Wolves

Christopher Citro 

 Back from the Edge of Hunger

 Jamie Thomas

 Ghazal Written to Fortune (in Bed)

 J.S.A. Lowe

House of rainwater & gratitude 

 Calvin Bedient

Chloe and Moissant 

 Hala Alyan

 Not Snow, Not Sun

John Sibley Williams 


 Karen An-hwei Lee

 On the Fascination of Orchids

 Rainer Maria Rilke 

 from The Roses (translated by Micah McCrary)

 Sasha West

 Forge with the Stars of Distant Fire

 Nate Liederbach

 House     Hold 57.0

Dennis Hinrichsen 

 Caravaggio's Medusa as a Box of Nails

 Sally Wen Mao

 Electronic Necropolis

 Joshua Gottlieb-Miller

 Poem with Seven Fires Inside It

 Christopher Munde


Tom Useted

 A mother poem

 Keetje Kuipers


 Sara Gelston

 The Curtain Rises

 Darin Ciccotelli

 Winter at Its Most Hypothetical

Rebecca Lindenberg 

 The Houseless Woods

 Maggie Evans

 Photos of Cold Balconies

 Jenny Molberg



 Corey Ginsberg

Miami Redux


 Owen Wynne Jones

Love Life

Walt Vail 

Silent Night

  Cover Art:  Mindi Bagnall, "Chip & Dakota"